Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


At orphanage

Back in May 2017, it was the very first time I came to orphanage Škovránok (Lark). That time I stepped in with my heart in the throat, terrified by the stories I had heard about this place. It´s been a year since than and many things have changed.
Orphanage Škovránok is made of three groups: group Ladybug (physically disabled kids), group Butterfly (kids without own home) and group Young Adults (16-19 years old “kids“ preparing for the future when they will be on their own).
During the previous year, we visitted the place twice a week to spend time in the groups Ladybug and Butterfly. With those kids, we built castles, created poems, baked play dough cakes, tried somersaults on the trampoline. We gave each other Christmas presents and we helped them to learn how to bike. We spent lots of time together and we got to know their hobbies ,thoughts and souls and they got to know ours.
Even though those kids hadn´t opportunity to grow up in their own familles, even though those kids still search for the safe place and people who who would care about them, even though many people see them just as embodiment of sadness and injustice, those kids are humble, full of love, acceptance, tenderness and forgiveness and they open your eyes by many of their words and acts. Rejected by their own families, standing on the edge of the society, they are still trying to find a place they belong to and live their lives in the best way they know.
It became a tradition that we meet in the Monday mornings on our way to school. Another habit is the question they always ask: „When will you come again?“

text: Natália Hrušková, Ema Gažúrová, 3. B
photo: Natália Hrušková

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V detskom domove

V máji 2017 som prvýkrát vošla do Detského domova Škovránok. Vtedy som tam vkročila so srdcom až v hrdle, prestrašená príbehmi, ktoré sa o tomto mieste hovorili.
Odvtedy prešiel rok, a mnoho vecí sa zmenilo.
Detský domov Škovránok sa skladá z troch skupín - skupina Lienka (patria sem fyzicky choré deti umiestnené v domove), skupina Motýlik (deti bez vlastného domova) a skupina Mladí dospelí ("deti" od 16-19 rokov pripravujúce sa na samostatnú budúcnosť).
Počas uplynulého roka sme navštevovali detský domov 2x v týždni, trávili čas v skupine Lienka i Motýlik. S deťmi sme stavali hrady, vytvárali básne, piekli koláče z plastelíny, skúšali trampolínové saltá, obdarovávali sa na Vianoce a učili sa bicyklovať. Strávili sme spolu mnoho času, spoznali sme ich záujmy, myšlienky, duše a oni zase spoznali tie naše.
Napriek tomu, že tieto deti nemohli vyrastať vo vlastnej rodine, napriek tomu, že stále pátrajú po bezpečnom mieste a ľuďoch, ktorí o nich budú stáť, napriek tomu, že mnohí v nich vidia iba zosobnenie krivdy a nešťastia, napriek všetkému tomu, sú tieto deti plné pokory, nežnosti, lásky, prijatia a odpustenia a v mnohých svojich slovách a skutkoch nám otvárajú oči. Odvrhnutí svojou rodinou, stojaci na prahu spoločnosti, snažia sa nájsť miesto, kde zapadnúť a žiť najlepšie ako vedia.
Tradíciou sa už stalo, že pondelkové rána, cestou do školy na seba narazíme. Tradíciou je tiež, že sa vždy opýtajú rovnakú otázku: Kedy prídete nabudúce?

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk